Connecting WhatsApp to your Tactful account only requires a WhatsApp API account. Creating a WhatsApp API account is free, you will be only charged by Whatsapp for some conversations.

Learn more about Whatsapp conversation-based fees.

What is a conversation on WhatsApp?

Conversations fall into two categories that are priced differently:

ℹ️ Businesses can send free-form messages within this 24-hour customer service window.

ℹ️ Messages that initiate a business-initiated conversation will require a message template.

All conversations are measured in 24-hour sessions. These 24-hour conversation sessions start whenever the first message is delivered by a business, either in response to a user inquiry, or if a business-initiated message template is delivered.

Are all conversations paid?

The first 1,000 conversations each month are free of charge. If you want to initiate more than 1,000 conversations, you need to add a credit card to your account.

ℹ️ If you have more than one number linked to your WABA account, the 1000 free conversations are shared between all your numbers.

Conversation-based pricing model

Charges for conversations are based on the end user’s phone number. Rates for business-initiated conversations and user-initiated conversations vary by market (country or region).

ℹ️ Check these real-world examples of different conversational flows and related charges.